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Osoto Otoshi Large Outer Drop Similar to O Soto Gari. In this case, Tori reaps the supporting leg of Uke and continues to drop with Uke.
Ippon Seoi Nage Single Shoulder Throw Using standard two handed grip, Tori breaks Uke’s balance straight forward or to their right front corner. Tori releases right hand and passes his/her right arm under Uke’s right arm. Grip on Uke’s right arm must be tight and maintained for throw. Tori pivots to the left, loads Uke onto his/her back and throws. Despite name, Uke must not be loaded on the shoulder of Tori.
Uki Goshi Floating Hip Tori breaks Uke’s balance to their right front corner, loads Uke on his/her hip and throws using a twisting motion. Throw differs from O Goshi in that Tori does not bend knees and raise hips or bend forward.
Kosoto Gake Small Outer Hook Tori breaks Uke’s balance to their right back corner (Tori’s left front corner). Tori throws Uke backwards by hooking the right leg with his/her left foot from behind.
Tai Otoshi Body Drop Tori breaks Uke’s balance to their right front corner, places his/her right foot past Uke’s right foot, pulls strongly with both hands (in standard grip position), and throws Uke over the right leg.
Osoto Gari Large Outer Reap Tori breaks Uke’s balance to their right back corner, causing them to shift all their weight towards their right heel. Tori reaps Uke’s right leg with his/her right leg throwing Uke to the right back corner (Tori’s left front corner).
Kouchi Gari Small Inner Reap Tori breaks Uke’s balance to their right back corner (Tori’s left front corner). Tori throws Uke backwards by reaping the right foot from inside with his/her right foot.
Deashi Harai Forward Foot Sweep Tori forces Uke to step forward, then sweeps the advancing foot out from under him/her. Timing is crucial. Uke must be on the verge of placing weight on the foot that is being swept.
Ouchi Gari Large Inner Reap Tori breaks Uke’s balance to their left back corner and reaps Uke’s leg using a circular sweeping motion. Tori twists his/her hips to the left while attacking so that he/she can insert their right heel. Throw is to Uke’s left back corner, Tori’s right front corner.
Ouchi Makikomi. This is a full wrap version of O Uchi Gari. Sometimes seen as Ouchi Makikomi. Tori hooks Uke’s left leg with his / her right leg and follows Uke down to the mat.
O Goshi Large Hip Throw Tori breaks Uke’s balance directly forward or to their right front corner and loads Uke onto his/her hip. Bend knees on entry, raise hips and twist to throw.
Tsuri Goshi Lifting Hip Throw Tori breaks Uke’s balance to the front and grabs their belt at the back. Tori pulls Uke onto his/her hip and throws Uke forward by twisting. There are two forms of this throw – Kotsuri Goshi is better suited for small people where Tori passes his/her right hand through Uke’s armpit. Otsuri Goshi is better suited for larger people where Tori passes his/her arm over Uke’s left arm.
Sasae Tsurikomi Ashi Supporting Foot Lifting Pulling Throw Tori breaks Uke’s balance to their right front corner and throws Uke by blocking Uke’s right leg with the left foot. Tori’s sole should be placed just above Uke’s ankle.
Okuri Ashi Harai Assisting Foot Sweep
(Sliding Foot Sweep)
Tori breaks Uke’s balance to their right side and sweeps Uke’s right foot towards their left one. This throw is normally practised moving sideways. Stay loose and move smoothly.
Kosoto Gari Small Outer Reap Tori breaks Uke’s balance to their right back corner (Tori’s left front corner). Tori throws Uke backwards by reaping the right foot with his/her left foot from behind. Similar to O Soto Gari, but Tori uses left foot to throw.
Morote Seoi Nage Two Arm Shoulder Throw Using standard two handed grip, Tori breaks Uke’s balance straight forward or to their right front corner. Tori pivots to the left, loads Uke onto his/her back and throws over the right shoulder. Tori’s right elbow should be placed under Uke’s right armpit. Tori’s hips must be lower than Uke’s belt – bend knees on entry.
Koshi Guruma Hip Wheel Tori breaks Uke’s balance to their front right corner, wraps right arm around Uke’s neck and shoulder, places his/her right hip solidly against Uke and throws Uke over it.
Tsurikomi Goshi Lifting Pulling Hip Throw Tori breaks Uke’s balance to the front or their right front corner, drops his/her hips to the level of Uke’s thighs, keeps arms extended and raises hips throwing Uke with lifting twisting motion. Tori’s right elbow should slide under Uke’s left armpit.
Tsubame Gaeshi Swallow Counter Uke attempts a De Ashi Harai to Tori’s right leg. Tori shifts weight to his/her left leg and bends his/her right leg to raise the right foot out of danger. After Uke’s foot has passed, Tori re-engages using his/her right foot to sweep Uke.
Kouchi Gake Small Inner Hook Tori breaks Uke’s balance to their right back corner (Tori’s left front corner). Tori throws Uke backwards by hooking the right leg from inside with his/her right foot.
Harai Goshi Sweeping Hip Tori breaks Uke’s balance to their right front corner, pivots to his/her left, pulls Uke onto his/her hip and sweeps with his/her right thigh against Uke’s right thigh.
Tani Otoshi Valley Drop Tori breaks Uke’s balance to their right back corner, slides his/her left foot past the outside of Uke’s right foot and throws Uke to their right back corner. Tani Otoshi differs from Yoko Otoshi in that the direction is to Uke’s back.
Sode Tsurikomi Goshi Sleeve Lifting Pulling Hip Throw Similar to Tsurikomi Goshi where Tori breaks Uke’s balance to their right front corner and drops his/her hips to the level of Uke’s thighs. Tori’s right hand holds Uke’s left sleeve instead of the lapel, keeps arms extended and raises hips throwing Uke with lifting twisting motion.
Hiza Guruma Knee Wheel After breaking Uke’s balance to their right front corner, Tori places his/her left foot below Uke’s right kneecap and throws Uke over it. The foot should be curled and placed just on the outside of the knee. Do not force Uke’s knee back. Throw is to Uke’s right front corner.
Uki Waza Floating Throw Tori breaks Uke’s balance to their right front corner, blocks Uke’s right foot with his/her left foot, and throws Uke over head by falling on his/her left side (twisting). The throw is to Uke’s right front corner, Tori’s left back corner.
Kata Guruma Shoulder Wheel Tori breaks Uke’s balance to their right front corner, lifts Uke onto his/her shoulders and gently drops Uke to the mat (Uke should roll off). Tori should step in as deeply as possible with his/her right foot. The back of Tori’s head should be at the level of Uke’s belt.
Uki Otoshi Floating Drop Tori breaks Uke’s balance to their right front corner. Pulling Uke downwards with both hands, Tori causes Uke to fall forward and down in a circle. The hand motion used by Tori from beginning to end resembles a “J” motion.
Sukui Nage Scooping Throw Tori breaks Uke’s balance to their left front corner, picks Uke up in his/her arms and drops Uke to the rear. A good time to apply this throw in competition is when Tori is moving forward to grab Uke after being separated. Tori must execute the throw before Uke can establish a grip.
Tomoe Nage Circular Throw Tori places his/her left foot between and behind Uke’s legs, drops backwards and places his/her right foot onto Uke’s abdomen, and throws Uke back over his/her head. Tori’s hips should land just between/in front of Uke’s feet.
Osoto Guruma Large Outer Wheel Tori breaks Uke’s balance to their right back corner or straight back, puts his/her right leg across the back of Uke’s knees, and throws Uke over it. Motion is similar to O Soto Gari, but without the reap.
Hane Goshi Springing Hip Tori breaks Uke’s balance to their right front corner, pulls Uke onto his/her right hip and throws with an upward springing action of his/her right hip and leg and a downward pull by both hands. Tori’s right knee should project past Uke’s right leg so that hip, leg and chest makes contact with Uke.
Ushiro Goshi Back Hip Throw This throw is used to counter a hip throw. Tori puts his/her arms around Uke’s waist from behind, leans backwards, swings Uke up in the air, and drops Uke on their back.
Sumi Gaeshi Corner Throw Tori breaks Uke’s balance to their right front corner. Tori falls back, places the instep of his/her right foot in the crook of Uke’s left knee and throws Uke up over his/her left shoulder.
Morote Gari Two-Handed Reap Tori steps into between Uke’s legs, throws his/her shoulders into Uke’s chest and reaps both legs by placing his/her hands behind Uke’s legs just above the knees.
Hikkomi Gaeshi Back Fall Reversal Tori pulls Uke’s left sleeve with his/her right hand, reaches and grabs Uke’s belt with his/her left hand over Uke’s left shoulder. Tori drops to his/her right front corner and spins pulling Uke over sideways.
Kuchiki Taoshi One Hand Drop Tori steps into between Uke’s legs with his/her right foot, grabs Uke’s right leg just behind the knee with his/her left hand and reaps the leg while pushing against Uke with his/her right hand.
Uchi Mata Inner Thigh Reaping Throw Tori breaks Uke’s balance to their right front corner, sweeping their inner thigh with his/her right leg/thigh. Tori executes the throw just as Uke’s weight is shifting to their left foot.
Ashi Guruma Leg Wheel Tori breaks Uke’s balance to their right front corner, pivots to his/her left and extends his/her right leg across Uke’s right knee, and throws Uke over the right leg in a large circle.
Harai Tsurikomi Ashi Lifing Pulling Foot Sweep Tori breaks Uke’s balance to their left front corner, sweeps their ankle with his/her right foot and throws Uke to their left side. A simpler way to do this throw is to step forward with the left foot, quickly bring the right foot up near it, and sweep Uke’s left foot as Uke draws it back.
Ouchi Gaeshi Large Inner Reaping Throw Counter As Uke enters with Ouchi Gari, Tori sweeps Uke’s right leg with his/her left to Uke’s right rear corner. Alternatively, Tori lifts his/her left leg out of Uke’s reach and uses his/her arms to use Uke’s momentum and throw Uke into the left front corner.
Kibisu Gaeshi Heel Trip Tori steps outside Uke’s right foot with his/her left, lowers his/her hips and grasps Uke’s right heel with his/her right hand. Tori then pulls Uke’s right foot forward and up while pulling down on Uke’s right sleeve with his/her left hand.
Ouchi Gaeshi Large Inner Reap Counter
Sumi Otoshi Corner Drop Tori breaks Uke’s balance to their right back corner, and throws Uke in that direction with a “J” motion of the hands. The difference between this throw and Uki Otoshi is the direction of the throw.
Yoko Gake Side Hook Tori breaks Uke’s balance straight to their right, sweeps Uke’s right leg and throws Uke to their right by falling onto his/her left side.
Yoko Otoshi Side Drop Tori breaks Uke’s balance to their right side, places his/her left foot outside Uke’s right foot and throws Uke by to their right dropping to his/her left side.
Harai Makikomi Hip Sweep Wraparound Tori enters for Harai Goshi, releases the right hand grip and twists to the left wrapping Uke around and into a break fall.
Soto Makikomi Outer Wraparound Tori breaks Uke’s balance to their right front corner and pulls Uke in close, twists to his/her left in a circle so that Uke’s body wraps around Tori. When Tori falls forward, Uke is sent over Tori’s back.
Utsuri Goshi Shifting Hip Throw After blocking Uke’s hip technique by bending the knees, Tori swings Uke up onto his/her hip and throws Uke by twisting his/her hip as in O Goshi.
Ura Nage Back Throw As Uke attempts a throw, Tori puts both arms around Uke’s right side, lifts Uke up and throws Uke over the left shoulder as Tori falls backward.
Tawara Gaeshi Rice Bag Reversal Uke attempts to execute a double leg take down on Tori. Tori reacts by hooking both arms under Uke’s torso. Tori then falls backwards throwing Uke over his / her head.
Daki Age High Lift
(Forbidden Technique)
Uke is on his/her back and attempts to draw Tori into their guard. Tori reaches under Uke’s legs and grasps Uke’s belt on both sides. Tori pulls Uke in tight and stands up.
Obi Otoshi Belt Drop Tori stands to Uke’s right and moves into a similar position as for Sukui Nage. Tori unbalances Uke to the rear by placing his / her arm across Uke’s waist and grabbing Uke’s belt. Tori lifts Uke, continues the unbalancing to the rear and drops Uke.
Yama Arashi Mountain Storm Tori breaks Uke’s balance to their right front corner and throws Uke by sweeping Uke’s right leg with his/her right leg. Similar to Harai Goshi but Tori places both hands on Uke’s right sleeve and pivots strongly.
Daki Wakare High Separation Turn over from all fours. Tori reaches across Uke from the right and grabs Uke’s belt at the knot with his / her right hand. Tori uses this momentum to drag Uke over, across Tori’s body and to the mat. Tori’s left hand isolates Uke’s left arm / shoulder. Tori continues the movement so that he / she lands on top of Uke in Kuzure Kami Shio Gatame.
O Guruma Large Wheel Tori breaks Uke’s balance to their right front corner, places his/her leg across Uke’s abdomen and throws Uke over it. The throw differs from Harai Goshi in that it depends on the action of the legs rather than the movement of the hips.
Yoko Wakare Side Separation Tori breaks Uke’s balance to their front and sacrifices him/herself by dropping onto his/her back and left side. Tori throws Uke across his/her outstretched body.
Yoko Guruma Side Wheel This technique can be used to throw a person who bends forward in an effort to prevent being thrown to the rear with Utsuri Goshi or similar technique. Tori slips his/her right leg in between Uke’s legs, drops to the right side and throws Uke over head. Tori’s left arm should go around Uke and grip Uke’s belt.
Uchi Mata Sukashi Inner Thigh Reaping Throw Slip As Uke moves in for a right side Uchi Mata, Tori slips past the rising right leg of Uke and uses Uke’s momentum to throw.
Uchi Makikomi Inside Wraparound Seoi Nage into Makikomi – Tori enters Seoi Nage but doesn’t clench the arm but uses arm as entry to breakfall.
Osoto Makikomi Large Outside Wraparound Tori enters for Osoto Gari, releases the right hand grip and pivots left and into a break fall.
Hane Makikomi Springing Wraparound While executing Hane Goshi, Tori wraps Uke’s body around his/hers and falls to the mat. To effect the wraparound, Tori releases the lapel, and pins Uke’s right arm.
Uchi Mata Makikomi Inner Thigh Throw Counter
Uchi Mata Gaeshi Inner Thigh Counter Uke attempts right Uchi Mata. Tori hooks Uke’s left leg with his/her left leg and reaps to the right.
Hane Goshi Gaeshi Spring Hip Counter Uke attempts right Hane Goshi. Tori hooks his/her left leg around the left leg of Uke and reaps the leg to the right. Alternative – lift Uke and reap with right leg.
Harai Goshi Gaeshi Sweeping Hip Counter Uke attempts right Harai Goshi. Tori hooks Uke’s left leg with his/her left leg and reaps to his/her right.
Kouchi Gaeshi Small Inner Reap Counter Uke attempts to apply Ko Uchi Gari. Tori slips the reaping leg and throws Uke to the rear by twisting towards the elbow side.